This story is fiction but based off of my friend and her sister.
Chapter 1
Backstory- My name is Alexis and this is a story about how me and my little sister become closer than ever. My family has always had super powers. But we live in a world full of humans so we are not allowed to show our powers very often.
My powers consist of super speed and super intelligence, my dad has super strength, my mom has super hearing and flight and my little sister can morph her body into any shape she can think of.
………… Monday
I’m startled awake to the sound of something heavy slamming into my bedroom door. With my heart thumping I peek at the door from underneath my blanket, ready to completely dig under it as a safety measure. But the door remains closed. No scary monster or rapist forcing its way inside.
Trying to calm myself down, slowly realization dawns on me. Right.. it’s mom and dad.. They took the day off to finish furnishing our new house. Ugh.. there goes my lazy Monday morning. Couldn’t they have knocked a little more subtle? There’s no way I’m going to be able to fall asleep again. Might as well get up and get ready for school early.
I glance at the other side of the room where my kid sister’s temporary bed is against the wall and, noting it’s empty, reluctantly climb out of mine. I take a moment to stretch my supple body, appreciating the fact no one is around to hear the accompanied groaning and moaning noises. Still stretching and rubbing the sleep from my eyes I walk out the door heading towards the bathroom.
I take in a quick breath and freeze. Instead of my mom and dad, I find two unknown men struggling to fit a big closet through my parent’s bedroom door. They’re obviously not burglars as they would be going the wrong way, but I’m now standing right behind them wearing just panties and a thin t-shirt. Not having heard the sound of my bedroom door closing behind me yet, I quickly turn around to stop it.
I barely stop myself from facepalming. Okay then.. look natural, greet them, and.. walk quickly.
Having heard the door, the men turn around to face me.
“H-..” One of them starts before they both audibly swallow. I see their eyes go wide, reflecting an absolutely gorgeous 17 year old girl awkwardly moving through the hallway.
I open my mouth to greet the men, but seeing their stunned looks I can’t help but panic. They continue shamelessly staring at me as I hurry past them with a failure of a pokerface and perky braless C-cup breasts straining against my t-shirt. Passing them mid-hallway I’m now very aware of the tightness of my panties that must be digging into me as I haven’t fixed them after waking up. I try walking without swaying my ass too much, which must look really stupid, and slip through the bathroom door before slamming it shut. A long sigh escapes me as I lean back against the door in embarrassment, making me unintentionally pick up some words spoken in the hallway.
“I know.”
“I’m happy we took this job.”
Damnit.. I guess I live here now. I sigh again, too embarrassed to even think about having to meet them again.
Not forgetting to lock the door I still double-check it before I undress and step into the shower. Having decided to wait until the men leave, and being up early anyway, I’m going to take my time here. I thoroughly wash my long brown hair and, ignoring my complete lack of experience with boys, I shave, well, everything. As our new house has a pool and it’s once again unreasonably hot outside, shaving is a must. Even disregarding our pool, what if I were to go swimming somewhere and a hot guy saw some hairs poking out of my bikini? I’d really die of embarrassment. Luckily I’m pretty much smooth all over. Even the little body hair I’m about to shave is really thin and light blonde. It’s pretty much invisible. But still.. better safe than sorry.
Considering hot guys. I really need to get myself a boyfriend one of these days. I’m already 17 and still a virgin. But I don’t want to give my body to some random guy that only wants me as a trophy. Why can’t I find a proper guy that doesn’t immediately try to get in my pants? My friends all say sex feels really good, but.. should I really just do it with some guy I don’t even love? I mean there’s 2 very willing men right outside the door. Should I just let them jump on me and get it over with? I start gently rubbing around my crotch recalling their desperate faces. Wow, I’m pretty turned on. Do I really want something like that? With my hand softly rubbing my virgin pussy I imagine one of the men pushing me against the wall and shoving his big cock inside, making me shiver a little in fear. No way. I’m not ready.
A long shower and successful unnoticed trip to the bedroom later, I head downstairs wearing a short skirt and comfortable tank top to eat breakfast, passing my mom and dad on the way.
“Good morning sweetie.”
“Morning mom, dad. Dad! Tell me when there’s people in the house I don’t know!” I yell as he comes walking into the kitchen. “They saw me walking through the hallway practically naked! That was so embarrassing!”
“I’m sorry honey, but you really shouldn’t be doing that in the first place.” Dad says as I reach out to grab milk from the top shelve in the fridge. “You’re 17 now and…” as he falls silent I turn around just in time to catch his eyes glancing at my lower body, before he looks me in the eyes again, continuing “you need to be more decent, even at home.”
“But I am decent! And I would have been this morning if only you had told me about the movers before.” I argue.
“My point is you need to quit your habit of walking through the house with almost nothing on regardless of who’s inside. You’ve grown to become a beautiful lady and honestly even I don’t know where to look at times.” Dad says awkwardly.
“That’s.. disturbing, but noted.” I say, now embarrassed recalling his look from before. “Well.. tell me, will the movers be here tomorrow too?”
“They will not. We can do the rest ourselves. You will have to share a room with Molly for a couple more days though. They disinfected her room with some kind of toxic substance and we can’t access it until next Friday.” Dad says looking slightly worried.
Seeing his legitimately worried face, I decide to spare him. “It’s okay, dad. She is not as annoying as she used to be. I should be able to manage a couple more days.”
“Thanks for not making a big deal about it honey. I know at your age you value your privacy highly, even if your choice of clothes sometimes leaves a lot to be desired.”
“Dad! I’ve noted it, please stop making me aware of it. But really, don’t worry, she’s just a kid. She’s already sleeping by the time I go to bed.” I reassure him before walking into the living room not feeling like continuing this conversation.
“Mm, alright then,” I hear behind me while I bite into my fresh quickly made sandwich. “back to work.”
After finishing a short and uninteresting day in 11th grade early, I head to pick up Molly who’s in 6th grade not too far from my school. She used to always walk home, but after moving out of the city our house is no longer in walking distance. I don’t mind having to pick her up though. I just got my driver’s license and dad decided to help me buy a new car exactly because of this.
I park in front of her school and walk inside just as classes finish. A few kids and a teacher walk past me as I walk into her classroom to find her sandwiched between her friends, all struggling to look at something on the desk.
“Hey Molls,” I call out. “Let’s go.”
While her friends look at me and freeze, Molly quickly walks up to me. “Oh Alexis, hey, yeah, let’s go.” She says taking me by the hand, pulling me outside with her.
“What was that about?” I ask her as we head to the car. “Don’t you have to say goodbye?”
“No, it’s nothing sis.” She responds, though looking somewhat embarrassed. I shrug my shoulders and continue the way towards the car, ignoring parents, kids and teachers who look like they’re undressing me with their eyes.
I hate public places.
Later that evening I get up from the couch and head for bed. I quietly sneak inside my bedroom to be met with a child’s soft snoring. I undress down to my panties like always, before adding on a loose comfy t-shirt because I’m now sharing my room with Molly. I don’t mind if she sees some skin, she’s seen me in my bikini often enough, but ever since my boobs have started filling out nicely I’ve become rather sensitive about them. It’s a private part of my body not meant for just anyone to enjoy. Besides, I myself love the way they look, so I can imagine even my 10 year old sister will have a reaction to them. I really don’t want to risk my blanket sliding off me in my sleep. I already have enough guys creeping after me in school.
With these thoughts occupying my mind I slip inside my bed, quickly falling asleep.
………… Tuesday
The next morning I suddenly awake feeling better rested than usual.
Instantly knowing what’s wrong I look at my unset alarm to see how screwed I am. I can still make it! First checking and noting Molly’s bed is empty I get up and do my necessary daily dose of yawning and stretching. I look outside and see only my own car is left in the driveway, meaning I’m home alone as we agreed last week mom drops Molly off at school in the morning.
I rush to the bathroom and take a quick hot shower.
Not having the usual luxury of slowly drying my hair before putting on my clothes, I habitually wrap a towel around myself as I exit the bathroom still blow-drying my hair. I head for my bedroom door when suddenly Molly steps into the hallway coming from downstairs. We see each other, both getting spooked.
“M-molly?” I stammer while bending over to grab the hairdryer I dropped on the floor, keeping the annoyingly small towel over my cleavage with my only free hand. “What are you still doing here?” I add trying to sound calm. Standing back up I notice the towel is crawling upwards over my thighs, so I try pushing it down, but it instead makes my towel come loose. I barely manage to grab it and keep it together while I turn my back towards Molly, to at least obstruct her view from my most special place.
“Mom left early to catch up to yesterday or something.” She says while shamelessly letting her eyes roam over my legs and bare ass while I walk past her towards my bedroom. “She said you would drop me off.” She adds tilting her head a bit.
Thanks mom! I think sarcastically now entering my bedroom. “Whatever, don’t come in!” I say remembering it’s temporarily her bedroom too.
Molly was distracted all day, unable to get the images of her older sister out of her mind. Just yesterday her friend Jane had brought a magazine to school full of naked women. Molly didn’t understand her own excitement as she and her friends went through the pages when suddenly her sister showed up. She couldn’t help but compare her to the women in the magazine and quickly decided none of them could hold a candle to her sister’s beautiful face and alluring body. When she noticed her friends probably thinking the same thing, her sister instincts kicked in and she pulled her outside of their view.
Today however, she hadn’t given the magazine a single glance. The images from this morning constantly repeating in her mind, without understanding why. Her sister, with her damp hair draped over her naked shoulders looking at her with flushed cheeks, bending over showing her the top of her soft boobs, standing up giving her a view through the very tops of her thighs and last but not least, her mesmerizingly swaying round ass as she struggled to walk past her. All these images were giving her an odd but not necessarily bad feeling. Her friends continuously asking why she kept such a hot sister a secret from them also wasn’t exactly helping her clear her thoughts.
As the school bell rang, Molly was the first to get up and head outside. She didn’t run into her sister so all she could do was wait for her to show up at the parking lot. It didn’t take long however, for her friends to join her in waiting, having temporarily given up on the magazine.
Feeling puzzled at my welcoming party, I pull up in front of Molly and her friends. Stopping the car, I let the window roll down to be greeted by the silent stares of a bunch of kids.
“Molls, can I come play at your house?” I hear her friend Jane ask while keeping her eyes on me. Is she indirectly asking me for permission too?
“No!” Molly suddenly yells before I can say anything. She opens the door and quickly hops in the car. Once again leaving behind her now startled friends.
“Molls, I don’t really want to interfere in your life, but are you sure that’s how you want to treat your friends?” I ask, looking her in the eye, not having a clue what’s going on.
“I know Alex. Just drive please.” Molly says while for some reason averting her eyes.
Driving home I notice her sometimes looking at me, but she hasn’t said a thing.
“Everything alright?” I ask, noticing her once again glancing at me, wondering if something is bothering her.
“Y-yeah!” She says a bit flustered as if she’s just been caught.
Alright then, not my problem.
That night Molly headed to bed early like usual, but instead of climbing into her bed immediately, she first walked to her sister’s side of the room. There she slightly opened her curtains, allowing the somewhat clouded moon to just barely visibly illuminate her part of the room. She then quickly hopped in her own bed and struggled to stay awake, her ununderstood rising excitement helping her accomplish it.
About an hour later her heart skipped a beat as she heard the door quietly opening and she took in the figure of her older sister slowly moving through the room. Her excitement rose further as she imagined she would undress as soon as she’d reach her bed.
However, just before reaching it, she suddenly stopped in her steps and turned her head her way. This completely startled her. Scared that she had noticed the curtains and figured out her entire masterplan, she didn’t dare move a muscle as she took in a deep breath and anxiously waited for what was to happen.
Not hearing the familiar sound of Molly’s soft snoring, I pause to check whether she is in her bed or not.
Not expecting her to still be awake after more than an hour of lying in bed, and hearing a slow deep breath as soon as I stop moving, I figure she’s just sleeping without snoring for once, which is a good thing.
Reaching my bed, I start undressing. I take off my top in practiced motion and wiggle my ass out of my skirt.
In the dark part of the room lay Molly. Quietly observing, stunned at the sight before her. Illuminated in the moonlight her sister was treating her to quite the show. While she had seen her flat stomach many times before, it still got her excited when she pulled her top up and exposed her smooth skin. Peeking at her like this gave her an intense but odd feeling. A feeling that only got enhanced when her bra clad breasts came into view. When she started wiggling her tight well rounded ass out of her skirt it only partly diverted her attention as she wondered if she would ever get to see those sweet breasts in full glory.
Then her heart skipped a beat. Was she really..
Her mind went blank.
Nothing in her life could compare to the excitement she felt right at this moment. Alexis unhooked her bra and for the first time in her life, she laid her eyes on some live teenage boobs. Not noticing the drool sipping out of the side of her mouth she tried imagining the soft firmness of the two handful lumps of heaven. Though in her case it was more than a handful she imagined. She could only barely make out her small nipples in the moonlight, but at this moment she could wish for nothing more. Her eyes were still open wide staring at the spot her bare breasts had been in, long after she had put on her shirt and crawled into bed.
………… Wednesday
I wake to sunlight shining in my face. It’s odd how there’s sunlight shining through my ever closed curtains, but who cares. It’s not a bad way to wake up. I close my eyes again enjoying the feeling of the warm rays combined with the softness of my bed. Hugging my pillow close to me for maximum comfort I doze off again.
When I wake what shouldn’t be that much later, I decide to get up to enjoy the sunny day. I take a nice long shower and being home alone, put on my skimpiest bikini for tanning purposes.
Having eaten breakfast I rush outside and jump into the pool, enjoying the sensation of the slightly cold water brushing against my nipples.
Wait, what?
Looking down I see my bikini cups have slid up over my breasts. Happy to learn of this malfunction with no one around I let it be, not feeling like doing any actual swimming anyway. Equally happy there are no neighbors who could possibly spy on me I exit the pool. I take my top off while heading for the sunbed and throw it on the ground next to it. Mom and Molly will be home early today, but not for the next couple of hours, so I should be safe. I lie down wearing just my bottoms, enjoying the sun shining on my body.
Huh? Isn’t that the sound of the garden door sliding open? I must have dozed off.
Oh shit!
Remembering my state of clothing, or rather unclothing, I look around searching for my top. I’m still lying outside of view, but seeing the shadow of a kid probably busy sliding the door shut behind her, I won’t remain out of sight for long.
I finally spot my bikini when I hear quick footsteps. There’s no time. I quickly turn around and lie flat on my stomach, squashing my boobs beneath me.
“Hey sis!” comes Moll’s voice.
As she jumps in the pool she manages to splash a decent amount of water on me. Feeling it dripping down my sides and onto my front, I become painfully aware I’ve gotten some sunburns there.
I need to get some sunscreen or my back will burn too. I’d like to get up and walk inside to have mom help me, but I don’t dare put on my bikini top being this close to Molly.
Well then.. “Mom!!” I call out.
“Mom!!?” I yell louder this time.
.. Still nothing.
“What.. pfffrtt.. you need her for?” Molly asks, rolling around in the pool shooting water with her mouth.
“Well, I need her to put some sunscreen on my back or I’ll get burned. You should get some on yourself too.” I explain.
Molly stops rolling. I see her looking at me intensely, so I pull my arms closer to my body in reflex, obscuring her view of the sides of my boobs.
“Mom’s out. Groceries or something.” She says continuing to stare at me. She then rushes out of the pool and runs inside yelling “Don’t worry! I’ll do it!”.
“You don’t hav-..” I begin wanting to stop her, but she’s already inside. A minute or so later the kid comes running back with a bottle in hera hands, looking enthusiastic but concentrated for some reason. Oh well..
She walks up to me and stands at my side before pouring what feels like half the bottle on my back. She slowly and carefully places her little hands on my back and begins clumsily spreading the lotion around. I sigh pleasantly, her greasy hands actually feel pretty good on my skin.
She must have decided doing it from the side isn’t the easiest spot as I suddenly feel her knees against my sides. I want to tell her it doesn’t have to take that long to put lotion on my back, but as I feel her hands now properly gliding from the small of my back to the top of my shoulders, I decide to simply enjoy the free massage.
Having done most of my back she lets her hands travel further and further towards and finally onto my sides, when I suddenly feel a little poke on the side of my boob. I’m shocked at first, but then laugh a bit internally as this apparently startled her even more than it did me. She really is a kid after all. Having pulled away the hand in question with lightning speed she quickly goes back to rubbing my shoulders, where I love to be massaged. Just as I think I should let her do this more often, I once again feel her little hands moving down my sides going closer to my breasts. “Molls, you don’t have to do the sides.” I tell her.
“What do you mean? The sun reaches here too?” she asks, sounding legitimately confused. Ugh, I groan a bit inside thinking this is not a conversation I feel like having with her. Mom and dad should explain these things already. Deciding her obliviousness is actually kind of cute. I let her do her thing for a while longer. Once again she starts sliding her hands over my back and my sides. Her fingers sometimes softly brush or poke my half naked breasts, but never more than that.
When there’s no longer a hint of lotion left for her to rub into me, she quits and moves back down my body, straddling my ankles. I’m about to tell her she doesn’t need to do my legs, when I imagine I’ll just get the same answer from before. Seeing her pick up the bottle of lotion I figure she might as well finish the job. It doesn’t take long before I feel her little hands applying the lotion on my legs, going all the way from my ankles, over my calves, to my upper thighs. I completely relax to her seemingly innocent touch when without warning she moves her hands between my legs over my inner thighs, sending a small shiver of pleasure through my spine. I groan inside, again blaming my parents for her apparent lack of understanding. While it feels marvelous having my sensitive thigh flesh rubbed, it’s not a region I want my little sisterr touching. I close my legs, putting one foot over the other, denying her access. Somehow getting the message she doesn’t try forcing or asking me, but instead focuses on the last untouched part of my back. While carefully putting some lotion on my higher thigh at first, she quickly grows more bold as she pushes her eager hands against the bottom bare part of my butt. While blaming it on her lack of understanding, I open my mouth to tell hers he should be done when suddenly her fingers slide over my ass into my bikini bottom as she pushes her hands, getting a full grab of both my ass cheeks.
“What the hell, Molls?” I call out alarmed, as she quickly slides her hands out, making me shiver.
“Sorry, Alex, that wasn’t on purpose. Well, I’m done anyway.” She says. Then getting up and rushing into the house like lightning.
She might have slipped I guess, whatever.
Inside the house Molly was ecstatic. She was feeling hot and something was straining against her bikini. She couldn’t believe she had been allowed to touch her sister like that and she knew she wanted more. She went into her and Alexis’ shared bedroom and sat on her bed to calm down. Still excited she started wondering when she would be allowed to do that again. ‘If’ she would be allowed to do that again, she thought, remembering how she lost control and grabbed her sexy ass. “I need a plan.” she said quietly, knowing she wouldn’t have another day off until Saturday.
A little while later, still not coming up with anything, she let herself fall back on her temporary bed, which squeaked under the sudden moving pressure. That’s when an idea hit her. Her excitement came flaring back as she got off her bed and with some effort lifted the mattress. She looked at the wooden chassis and stepped on some of the wooden bars where her legs would normally be, cracking them. She then carefully placed back the mattress and went downstairs with a mischievous smile on her face.
Later that night Mollyy was lying awake in her bed. She had enjoyed Alexis undressing and was now strangely enthusiastically waiting. Deciding it was late enough, she started moving her body, crawling closer to the foot of the bed. Hearing some slight cracking, she pushed herself off with her elbow and landed hard on her mattress.
For the millionth time this week I am startled awake. With my head still foggy I look around the room trying to find the cause. I see Molly in her shorts and tanktop trying to climb out of her bed while cursing.
“What happened?” I ask.
“My stupid bed just broke! I was having such a nice dream too!”
I sigh. “Well shit happens. It’s just for 2 more days. Just try and sleep with your mattress on the floor.”
“What? Look at how thin it is, that will never work!”
“Not my problem.” I say, grumpy from being awoken.
“.. Fine.” I hear Molly say. I hear her pulling her mattress out of her now broken bed and onto the floor as sleep once again takes me.
What must have been hardly an hour later I’m woken up again. This time by a small hand pushing on my shoulder. “Sis, I can’t sleep on the floor! My mattress is way too thin!” She yells quietly. “Can I sleep in your bed just for tonight? It’s more than big enough.” she pleads. Just wanting to go back to sleep again, I sigh, nod my head and move over.
Not needing much encouragement Molly quickly climbs inside my bed. While like she said the bed is indeed big enough, we are still touching arms. Not really bothered but still aware of it I turn on my side facing away from her, now no longer touching.
I’m trying to fall asleep, but it’s taking longer than usual as I’m not used to sleeping on my side. Hearing Molly turning behind me I can’t help but feel a bit pleased knowing the cause of my sleeping troubles is struggling too.
Then I freeze.
Molly’s little body is pushing up against me. My body tingles from the unexpected contact. Damnit. This was bound to happen sharing a bed with this oblivious kid. Damn my sleepy former self for agreeing with this. I crawl away from her towards the very edge of my bed trying to detach myself from her. Unsuccessfully. The little brat just crawls after me and hugs herself around me again, even going so far as to put one of her legs on top of mine and letting her hand rest on my waist. She’s now fully spooning me like an intimate lover would. Well, like a tiny intimate lover would. “Molls, do you mind not lying against me?”
“Why?” Comes her voice, tickling my back with her breath. “If I keep lying on my back I’ll never fall asleep.”
“I don’t care in what position you sleep, just stay on your half, okay?”
“I’ll fall out of your bed turning on something this small, stupid.” She says annoying me, but actually making some sense.
“Even then, I’m not too comfortable with you lying against my back like this.” I say, not wanting to compromise as I’m only wearing panties and a comfy shirt without a bra.
“Why? I’m really clean with all the swimming I did today.”
Ugh. “It’s not that you’re not clean, it’s.. when a..” I struggle to explain, a slight anger flaring towards my parents. “Fine. Just don’t move around too much and go to sleep.” I can’t help but assent.
“Thanks sis.” Says the little kid as she hugs me a little harder. Somehow this calms me a little. She’s just my little sister. I’d be the worst big sister ever if I let her sleep on the floor. Still feeling a bit awkward, but not as bad as before, I eventually fall asleep.
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